DISCLAIMER: This webpage presents information in a potential area of automotive advanced safety system technology. The information presented in this webpage is in no way intended to be, either directly or indirectly, representative of completely formulated and organized aspects of the respective technology, and should not be assumed to be such unless it is expressly indicated to the contrary by the inventor via a formal notification method of his choosing. It is not intended to take the place of laws, regulations, safe driving habits or common sense. ALWAYS DRIVE SAFELY! This proviso may apply to any other works by the inventor.

Title and abstract page of "The Domestic Automotive manufacturers' activities towards Advanced Safety System Rollout as contributing to Globalization via coupled self-interest"

Table of Contents of "The Domestic Automotive manufacturers' activities towards Advanced Safety System Rollout as contributing to Globalization via coupled self-interest"

Introduction page of "The Domestic Automotive manufacturers' activities towards Advanced Safety System Rollout as contributing to Globalization via coupled self-interest"

Description of historical setting and the automotive recognition of need for change

Foreign based auto manufacturing in the United States and the basis for global expansion

Supportive coordination of regional domestic and technological self-interest, globalization from dream to reality

Coordination of efforts amongst relevant entities, making the case through broader applications and supporting the case through broader collaborations

Following the technological lead of the international community, partial timeline of Lane Departure Warning System release and expanding purpose and initiating safeguards

Posing question as to  what the domestic automotive industry really has to gain, some trends in GM brands, and the necessitated shift in influence peddling

Potential pitfalls with the long-term domestic plan for global interest and some recent data on foreign economic military aid and foreign holders of US Treasury securities

Domestic failure or 'stroke of genius', domestic policy rationale for technological globalization

Technological Globalization supporting 'world peace' and how did/didn't the domestic automotive manufacturers gain this foresight

How did/didn't Michigan politics potentially shape the domestic auto manufacturers' direction, how did/didn't Macomb County and southeastern Michigan play a role in 'being prepared' for this globalization

how did/didn't Macomb County and southeastern Michigan play a role in 'being prepared' for this globalization

How did/didn't Macomb County and southeastern Michigan play a role in 'being prepared' for this globalization, the likely support for advancing global coupling as 'understood' by the U.S. military

the likely support for advancing global coupling as 'understood' by the U.S. military, multiple approaches to a common globalization goal

Paper references

DISCLAIMER: This webpage presents information in a potential area of automotive advanced safety system technology. The information presented in this webpage is in no way intended to be, either directly or indirectly, representative of completely formulated and organized aspects of the respective technology, and should not be assumed to be such unless it is expressly indicated to the contrary by the inventor via a formal notification method of his choosing. It is not intended to take the place of laws, regulations, safe driving habits or common sense. ALWAYS DRIVE SAFELY! This proviso may apply to any other works by the inventor.

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